Page name: monkey town [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-09 04:26:26
Last author: Monicuddles
Owner: peace4all_monkey
# of watchers: 4
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*monkey people scream*OOH OOH AHH AHH!!"QUIET!!QUIET!!"....WElcome to our monkey playground!Monkeys,monkey lovers,and tourists are welcome. Please feel free to swing on ropes and eat bannanas!!Also note that this is also home to the soldiers in the monkey militia

Dont forget the monkey town governers:
[Monicuddles]captain 1
[peace4all_monkey]captain 2

i=128630&c=386203"alt="Free Hit Counter">

Towns folk

2)[Monicuddles]one of the monkey leaders!!(me)
3)[nijntje :3]
4)[oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]
5)[Monkey Boy]
6)[#1devil] yay monkeys!!
8)[Babe-a -lious me!]- Me Love Monkeys!!!
9)[scruffy_puppy] im loving those bananas I LOVE THEM FOR I AM THE BANANA MAN/MONKEY
10)[I am The Monkey] i are monkey luv the monkey!!
11)[xx.BrUnEtTe.xx]i luv monkeys!!
12) [..and all that jazz] Hehehehehe monkeys...
13)[Caritas] I LOVE YOU MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have 3 toy monkeys and I want MORE!!! hahahahweheh
14)[i love my tripplet sisters]im monkey_roses aunt beleive it or not
15)[~*~LiL Monkey Momma~*~]

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(If you want to be appart of monkey town send a message to either [Monicuddles]
or [peace4all_monkey]because we dont give out the password anymore)

monkey badges

Username (or number or email):


[Monicuddles]: hello mango you there?

[peace4all_monkey]: just slow, im eatin a cone

[peace4all_monkey]: monkey!!...*rushes to monkey and hugs*....its been sooooooooooo long!!!1

[~Altopia~]: Ehcuse me...I was wondering if anyone here could help us....Our castle the two princesses , has a slight monkey issue.

[peace4all_monkey]: sure...whats the problem?

[~Altopia~]: We left our castle unattended...And it was over run by cute but menacing monkeys:(

[peace4all_monkey]: kk...i'll get down to the bottom of this..and my lovely assistant monica will help me...whenever she gets back..-_-

[peace4all_monkey]: when we get 20 members then i'll make a new badge!

[Monicuddles]: sorry im not here much, you can thank my brother for that but since my bro is working i have a chance to get on more(sorry mango!!)

[Monicuddles]: so 7:00pm sharp tomarrow?

[peace4all_monkey]: hmm....i'll try...but i might be on the late will u b stayin on?

[Monicuddles]: little too late for that now isn't it?

[peace4all_monkey]: OMFG!! bout the schedule is eight/nine every day?

[Monicuddles]: sounds like a plan when i get the time cause tommarow im at a friends and saturday im at adventure land until it closes and sunday im planning to spend the night at a friends house again but we both know i cant go back to marengo for lawful reasons lol

[Monicuddles]: thanx to ur "friend"

[peace4all_monkey]: hehe....megan said ur a B**** cuz she said:" she acts like shes better than every1 else" me: " no she doesnt...shes just a smart ass!"...hehe...

[Monicuddles]: its funny cause its true!!!

[Monicuddles]: and maybe i am a bitch but i dont care wat she thinks cause she has her head up her @$$!!

[prettyvacant]: whats um whats going on?

[prettyvacant]: a lot of cus words

[Monicuddles]: nothing thats not like me

[prettyvacant]: hello?

[Monicuddles]: im so creative

[Monicuddles]: ya im here

[Monicuddles]: kelsie and i created this wiki all by ourselves (mostly kelsie i just take sum credit because i made the monkey!)

[Monicuddles]: and talk occasionally

[peace4all_monkey]: lol...dont b so hard on urself...your a good leader....well im sry for not bein on...ive been coming home late cuz im at my grandmas.

[fob looks so good in blue]: hehe, I heart monkeyz! can i join???

[Caritas]: Can I join? PLEASE I love MONKEYS!!!

[peace4all_monkey]: yes u both may...i'll send u the password^^

[peace4all_monkey]: yes u may..anythin u wanna put by your names?

[Caritas]: Yes I have something


[Monicuddles]: lol

[Monicuddles]: how cum i miss all the good conversations?WHAT AM I CHOPPED LIVER?!!

[peace4all_monkey]: no...your cheesecake! and everyone loves cheesecake!!!!!^^..but what flavor?*thinks*

[Monicuddles]: strawberry yum! *licks lips*

[peace4all_monkey]: IM CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*drool*

[Monicuddles]: lol

[Caritas]: I'm chocolate to!!!!!!!!!!!!

[peace4all_monkey]: YAY!!!!!!...chocolate and strawberry wootness cheescake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...*dies*...hehe..just joking^^..

[Caritas]: CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *drools*

[Monicuddles]: ok, i like cheesecake dont get me wrong, but im not immensely in love with it

[Monicuddles]: but you mango, on the other hand...

[peace4all_monkey]: hehehe....i beg to differ...chocolate will always be my first love...and 1 million cheescakes could never come close to taking its place.

[Monicuddles]: well strawberry is my calling

[peace4all_monkey]: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sry i couldnt make it for the party thing...ryan, bubba, ashley, and shawna say hi

[Monicuddles]: strawberry cheesecake that is(just making sure we're on the same page)

[Monicuddles]: dont worry about the party, you can always make it for the halloween one too

[peace4all_monkey]: u can come to our house warming one when we get it ready..

[Caritas]: Huh????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


[Caritas]: WHAT?????????????!?!??!??!?!?!??!

[Monicuddles]: HURRAY!!! I'LL BE THERE!!

[Monicuddles]: MMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Caritas]: TELL WHATS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



[peace4all_monkey]: me and monkey are being random

[Caritas]: Me too?

[peace4all_monkey]: possibly

[Caritas]: COOL!!!!

[peace4all_monkey]: darn my attempt to make a girl failed....:'(

[Caritas]: What?

[peace4all_monkey]: the second monkey

[Caritas]: ME?

[peace4all_monkey]: no.... the monkey picture!!

[Monicuddles]: I'LL TRY TO FIX IT

[peace4all_monkey]: thanx.

[Caritas]: What are you talking about?


[Caritas]: oh...

[Monicuddles]: it never worked, i guess there can only be a guy

[peace4all_monkey]: *sigh*...darn guys

[Caritas]: LOL true!

[Monicuddles]: they cant help it, they're driven

[Caritas]: ........................................................

[peace4all_monkey]: let me ask u guys something....if someone writes something bad about your friend in your friends gb then u write something back and [Hedda] says that hes gonna ban u for that reasonable?

[Caritas]: I don't get it

[Caritas]: Ok

[Monicuddles]: who wrote what in whos gb?

[peace4all_monkey]: well read [spongemonkey]'s gb...some1 wrote something bad in it and i got pissed and started yelling at her

[Monicuddles]: yea ok

[Monicuddles]: its been 4 ever since someone said sumthin

[Monicuddles]: someone else better talk besides the govenors or im gunna freak out thinking our wiki is worthless now

[Caritas]: I'LL TALK!

[peace4all_monkey]: Me too!!

[Caritas]: HEHE

[Monicuddles]: hurray!!!

[Caritas]: Teehee

[Monicuddles]: ok no ones talking again

[Monicuddles]: our wiki is dead isnt it mango?

[Monicuddles]: it is i know it is cause im the only one who is talking and i almost never get on.

[peace4all_monkey]: :*(....we must reincarnate it

[Monicuddles]: i know we do but how??

[Monicuddles]: oh lets redecorate it make new wiki signs. idk how it will help but at least its worth a shot

[Caritas]: Huh?


[peace4all_monkey]: just so ppl know: MY BIRTHDAY IS NEXT MONTH NOT THIS ONE...i just got the number wrong

[peace4all_monkey]: yeah....mayb we can have a contest drawing or something...and since your a good artist mayb u can take a picture of something and whoever wins gets to have the picture on their house.

[Caritas]: Yeah!!!

[Monicuddles]: uh ok

[i love my tripplet sisters]: im bored and how come no one talks after monkey_rose?? besides me

[Caritas]: Sorry.

[peace4all_monkey]: BECAUSE THE ROOSTER OWNS FINLAND!!!!!!XD

[Monicuddles]: Yea thats a good reason. lol ^_^

[Monicuddles]: thats ok im just the killer of wikis i guess

[Caritas]: No you NOT!!

[Monicuddles]: well this one is almost completely dead and no one talks after i do so im just a curse to the cruel world

[Caritas]: ME lost!

[peace4all_monkey]: pfft......w/e!!! YOU JUST SAD!!!!! WE NEED TO HOOK YOU UP!!!!

[Caritas]: Who does??


[Monicuddles]: good luck with that

[Monicuddles]: i dont think there is anyone that will go out with me

[Monicuddles]: that i will go out with also

[Monicuddles]: i have high standards and im and way lower than anyone elses

[peace4all_monkey]: *hugs* okay!

[Monicuddles]: thanks but i met this hot hot hot hot HOT guy!!*pants like a dog* OMG!! i met him at my party, he's 15, but then i found out he had a girlfriend ='( and he said he loved her. so i scratched another off the list of guy i would like to go out with.

[Monicuddles]: but oh well like he would go out with me anyway he's like a cool friend like you and spencer

[peace4all_monkey]: guess what?! im going to see the black angel tomorrow!

[i love my tripplet sisters]: hi every one how are you

[i love my tripplet sisters]: can i be in with you guy i have no were to go

[i love my tripplet sisters]: no one will talk. can i ask why?

[Caritas]: I like Chicken!

[Monicuddles]: really? i like them too!

[Caritas]: YAY!

[Monicuddles]: chickens are funny

[i love my tripplet sisters]: they are arent they

[peace4all_monkey]: They go CLUCK CLUCK!!XE

[Caritas]: Clucky, cluck, cluck!

[peace4all_monkey]: no: CLUCKIDY CLUCK CLUCK!!

[Caritas]: Fine. Mine's better anyways!

[Monicuddles]: BUCK BUCK BUCKAWW!!! Mines the best^_^

[Caritas]: *make monkey sounds* MINE RULES YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[peace4all_monkey]: True...monkeys kick @$$

[Caritas]: Thank you, thank you!

[Monicuddles]: yea compliments to the monkey sounds

[Monicuddles]: im taking [prettyvacant] off the list cause hes never on. hes been on once and that was when he signed up. i would know im the one who told him too

[Caritas]: LOL! okay!

[i love my tripplet sisters]: im on dont kick me off!!

[i love my tripplet sisters]: turkey turkey  lol

[Monicuddles]: duh cleow of course ur on its kinda hard for me not to know!!! YOU LIVE WITH ME!!!!!

[i love my tripplet sisters]: i know thats why its so funny so duh monkey_rose_92

[Monicuddles]: duh

[Caritas]: duh? DUH!

[i love my tripplet sisters]: what are we duhing about???????

[Caritas]: Me no know

[i love my tripplet sisters]: so what are we talking about?? cuz i dont know??

[Monicuddles]: of course u know cleow ur the one who started it!!!! DUH!!!!

[Caritas]: DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[i love my tripplet sisters]: omg get over it already!!!!!!!!!! lol

[peace4all_monkey]: LAVA LAMPS!!!!!!!tee hee..and i asked spencer if he thought you were pretty and he said:"yeah, shes very pretty"

[Caritas]: Whoa??

[i love my tripplet sisters]: that who is pretty?

[peace4all_monkey]: monica....cuz i wanted to prove to her that she Is NOT ugly

[i love my tripplet sisters]: i tell here that all the time but she doesnt listen to me just cuz im here aunt doesnt mean anything

[Monicuddles]: hey,one nice cool guy said i was pretty, so what. he was just being polite cuz he is ur friend and mine

[i love my tripplet sisters]: you never know he may really like you more than a friend you just dont know it

[Monicuddles]: yea rite in anyones dreams.

[i love my tripplet sisters]: o monica i no one person that likes you

[peace4all_monkey]: spencer DOES think your pretty!! At least SOMEONE says your one ever tells me that

[i love my tripplet sisters]: same here no one tells me that ether

[Monicuddles]: yea rite cloew ur so full of urself! i've been w/ u wen sum1 said ur pretty

[i love my tripplet sisters]: me whatever who and dont you say James i will kill you

[pug girl_3]: hi monica its me liz lauras friend

[Caritas]: Hey, my name is Liz, too!

[pug girl_3]: really thats awesome my real name is Elizabeth but I hate writing it so I go by Liz

[Caritas]: LOL! My real name is Elizabeth, too. I go by Lizzie.

[i love my tripplet sisters]: hey liz we dont know if you are on yet so just what to keep talking on here

[Caritas]: Huh?

[i love my tripplet sisters]: wrong liz pug girl_3

[Caritas]: Ohh ok

[i love my tripplet sisters]: so wus going on now any one????? =)

[Caritas]: Well, I don't go back to school till Monday!

[i love my tripplet sisters]: you dont im almost done with school lol.

[Caritas]: What do you mean?

[i love my tripplet sisters]: some thing you said dont remember

[Caritas]: No..I don't........

[Caritas]: Tell me!!

[i love my tripplet sisters]: i dont remember??=)

[Caritas]: LO!

[Caritas]: hu?

[i love my tripplet sisters]: nothing never mind i just wont talk cuz NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME O_O

[Monicuddles]: yea cuz ur retarded!!lol

[Caritas]: LOL!

[Monicuddles]: ITS TRUE!!!!!!!!

[Caritas]: HA!

[peace4all_monkey]: tee hee


[i love my tripplet sisters]: o thanks lots of love ppl lots of love

[Monicuddles]: yep and we share it all around*cough*WHORE*COUGH*(to:cleow)

[Caritas]: ?

[Monicuddles]: joking

[peace4all_monkey]: *confused*

[i love my tripplet sisters]: that's okay [peace4all_monkey] i am to!!!

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